Health and Wellness Services provides confidential and professional medical and mental health care for all of our students. We have offices on both the Alfred and Wellsville campus locations and are available to provide personalized care and support to promote a healthy and safe campus environment.
Important Messages
If you are requesting a copy of your immunization record please refer to the Student Health Portal. You may need to register as a new user if you have not created an account previously.
Returning Students – Updating your Records – If you will be returning to campus after Winter/Summer Break, please log into the Student Health Portal and update the Communications Preferences Form under My Forms. If your Meningococcal Vaccine is more than 5 years old you will need to get a booster while you are home for break. You can access your immunization record under My Profile on the Student Health Portal. If you are unsure if you need any updated Meningococcal Vaccine please reach out to your health care provider.
Health and Wellness Services Hours of Operation
Fall/Spring Session Hours
Alfred Main Campus Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wellsville Campus Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Summer Session Hours
Alfred Main Campus Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wellsville Campus Closed
Contact Us
Alfred Campus
Phone: 607-587-4200
Location TA Parish Hall
Alfred, NY 14802
Wellsville Campus
Phone: 607-587-3141
Location Pioneer Student Union
Wellsville, NY 14895
For After Hours Assistance or In Case of Emergency
Should a student have a medical or mental health emergency after hours, please contact our 24/7 Crisis Line at 855-748-1246 or University Police at 607-587-3999. Health and Wellness Services works in partnership with University Police and Residential Services to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. If the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Student Well-Being needs to be contacted for a medical or mental health emergency, the University Police or the RD on Duty will do so per our shared protocol.