Agribusiness Management

  • student sitting at computer with cow in window
  • student standing in front of cattle in a barn
  • students sitting at table with samples of milk on display

Growing entrepreneurial skills for today’s agricultural business.

Program Advantages

Hailey Brown - Agribusiness Management Student

Growing entrepreneurial skills for today’s agricultural business.<br />
Program Advantages

  • Our graduates have the technical knowledge of agricultural production practices, land and water resources, management, and agricultural markets necessary to enter nearly any facet of the agribusiness field.
  • Our students have hands-on experience with modern automated agricultural production systems, organic farming methods, and value added agriculture.
  • Our students have the opportunity to work on the college farm and learn first-hand how to manage multiple species in modern high-tech facilities.
  • Our students also learn the application of fundamental business management skills to agriculture.
Pioneer Quotes

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Agriculture & Veterinary
Technology Department

“This degree program offers students the opportunity to apply business and entrepreneurial skills to the development of viable agricultural enterprises.” - Phil Schroeder, Department Chair

Dr. Philip Schroeder, Program Coordinator
Professional Outlook
  • Management or ownership of commercial farms
  • Agricultural credit officers for banks, government, loan agencies, and farm cooperative loan agencies
  • Feed, seed, and fertilizer sales technicians
  • Writers of technical publications, radio and TV scripts, news items for magazines and newspapers, education and public relations materials
  • Manager/assistant managers of farm supply stores
  • Warehouse managers for farm chemicals, feed, seed, and fertilizers
  • Chain store and retail food management
  • Agricultural consulting services

Median wage of those with an agriculture degree is $55,000 (2021)

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept of Labor (Field of Degree: Ag)