At a glance
Alfred State recently announced promotions for faculty and staff.

Alfred State recently announced promotions for faculty and staff.

Included among those receiving promotions for the college and Office of the President, with their new titles, are Dr. Craig Clark, Alfred, vice president of Economic Development; Heather Mark, Bath, secretary 1, Office of the President; and Dr. Kristin Poppo, Alfred, provost.
Those promoted in the Division of Academic Affairs, with their new titles, are Travis Armison, Fillmore, instructional support associate, Agriculture and Veterinary Technology; Dr. Alex Bitterman, Buffalo, professor, Architecture and Design; Tammy Brackett, Andover, professor, Digital Media and Animation; Pamela Brandes, Wellsville, secretary 2, School of Applied Technology; Valerie Calderon, Cuba, secretary 1, Mathematics and Physics and English and Humanities; Benjamin Cawley, Bolivar, lead programmer-analyst, Technology Services; Gordon Cook, Wellsville, instructional support associate, School of Applied Technology; Casey Cowburn, Andover, academic adviser, Student Success Center; Lucinda Croston, Andover, secretary 1, Business; Kathleen Ebert, associate vice president, Academic Affairs; Marsha Goodwin, Troupsburg, secretary 1, Digital Media and Animation, Architecture and Design, and Computer and Information Technology; Kera Mariotti, Wellsville, associate professor, Civil Engineering Technology; Krystal Perlman, Hornell, senior staff assistant, Technology Services; Jacob Perry, Springville, assistant professor, Culinary Arts; Ricky Richards, Wellsville, instructional support technician, Technology Services; Nicole Schroeder, Hornell, secretary 1, Student Success Center; and Deena Smith, Almond, secretary 1, Civil Engineering Technology, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology, and Computer and Information Technology.
Pictured, sitting, from left to right, are Benjamin Cawley, Pamela Brandes, Nicole Schroeder, Valerie Calderon, Marsha Goodwin, and Krystal Perlman. Second row, from left to right, are Kathleen Ebert, Jacob Perry, Kera Mariotti, Deena Smith, Tammy Brackett, Travis Armison, and Alex Bitterman. Back row, from left to right, are Ricky Richards and Casey Cowburn.

Receiving promotions in Administration, Advancement and Enrollment, with their new titles, are Darlene Fox, Whitesville, janitor, Facilities Services; William Greene, Andover, maintenance assistant mechanic, Facilities Services; Ryan Maloney, Holland, office assistant 2 (keyboarding), Student Records and Financial Services; Raymond Mullen, Bolivar, SUNY campus worker, Facilities Services; Karl Perkins, Andover, motor equipment mechanic, Facilities Services; David Shultz, Hornell, plant utilities engineer 1, Facilities Services; Anna Shutt, Wellsville, office assistant 2 (keyboarding), Admissions; and Danielle White, Hornell, executive director, Institutional Advancement.
Receiving promotions in Student Affairs, with their new titles, are Erica Alger, Hornell, senior counselor, Health and Wellness Services; Matthew Heller, Hornell, chief of police, University Police; Nikkie Hockenberry, Hornell, chief diversity officer, Student Affairs; Anne Holmok, Alfred, senior staff assistant, Athletics; Spencer Peavey, Wellsville, assistant vice president for Student Affairs, Student Affairs; Patrick Smith, North Tonawanda, senior staff assistant, Residential Services; and Jeffrey Wilcox, Nunda, lieutenant, University Police.
Pictured, sitting, from left to right are Anne Holmok and Jason Cronin. Back row, from left to right, are Jeffrey Wilcox, Patrick Smith, and Matthew Heller.