David Kendall

September 2003 PhD, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA).
September 1993 MS, Applied Mathematics, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA).
May 1987 MS, Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice University (Houston, TX).
May 1984 BS(high honors) Physics, Lamar University (Beaumont, TX).
May 1982 AA(honors), Wharton County Junior College (Wharton, TX).
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Wind Energy and Renewable Energy, Applied Mathematics, Dynamic Systems, Stellar Astronomy, Hydrogeology, How People Learn Mathematics and Physics, History of Science, History of Mathematics
I am in my 10th academic year of full time teaching at the college and university level with approximately half in mathematics and the other half in physics and astronomy. For the physical sciences, I have designed and taught a large number of the associated labs ranging from in class analytical experiments with data analysis to take home labs where the student is expected to make measurements on their own and perform the associated data analysis.
Similar to my prior experiences in teaching, my years at Alfred State College have resulted in many meetings with individual students. Much of this time is spent in assessing the prerequisite skills of students and mapping out strategies for them to succeed. This, together with a wide variety of other experience gives me the opportunity to contribute in a broad and meaningful way to Alfred State College through teaching and other projects/activities.
... at Alfred State College:
F06 MATH 1033 - 01 College Algebra
F06 MATH 1033 - 06 College Algebra
F06 MATH 2043 - 03 College Trigonometry
F06 PHYS 1024 - 01 General Physics I
F06 PHYS 1024 - 02 General Physics I
F06 PHYS 1044 - 01 College Physics I
S06 PHYS 1024 - 05 General Physics I
S06 PHYS 1024 - 06 General Physics I
S06 PHYS 1024 - 74 General Physics I Lab
S06 PHYS 2023 - 02 General Physics II
S06 PHYS 2023 - 72 General Physics II Lab
F05 MATH 1033 - 01 College Algebra
F05 MATH 1033 - 06 College Algebra
F05 PHYS 2023 - 03 General Physics II
F05 PHYS 2023 - 05 General Physics II
F05 PHYS 2023 - 70 General Physics II Lab
F05 PHYS 2023 - 71 General Physics II Lab
S05 PHYS 1024 - 05 General Physics I
S05 PHYS 1024 - 06 General Physics I
S05 PHYS 1024 - 74 General Physics I Lab
S05 PHYS 2023 - 02 General Physics II
S05 PHYS 2023 - 72 General Physics II Lab
F04 MATH 1033 - 03 College Algebra
F04 MATH 1033 - 06 College Algebra
F04 MATH 1033 - 08 College Algebra
F04 PHYS 2023 - 01 General Physics II
F04 PHYS 2023 - 03 General Physics II
... at other institutions (abbreviations at the end):
Algebra I
Algebra II
Algebra II and Trigonometry
SII02, SI04 (ASA)
Astronomy (Freshman level survey course.)
with lab: F86, S87, F87, S88, F88, F89, S90 (SHSU)
without lab: S92, S93, S94, S96, S97 (Elms)
SII93, SII94, F94, SI96, F96 (UMass)
lab only: S84 (LU)
Astrophysics (Junior level survey course for education majors.)
with lab: F86, S87, F88, S89, F89, S90 (SHSU)
lab only: S85, F85 (RU)
Basic Mathematics
F96 (UMass)
Elementary Algebra
S94, S96, S97x2, F99x2, S00x2, F00x2, S01x2, F01, S02x2 (UMass)
SI01, SII01 (ASA)
SI01 (ASA)
Introduction to Calculus
SI04, SI05 (ASA)
Physics (Freshman level - conceptual with minimal use of algebra.)
Part 1: F87, S88, S89 (SHSU)
Part 2: F88, S89 (SHSU)
Physics (Freshman level for the life sciences - trigonometry based.)
Part 1 with lab: SI87(KC)
S88, SI88, SI89, SI90 (SHSU)
without lab: S04(TPR)
lab only: S97(KSC)
Part 2 with lab: SII89, SII90 (SHSU)
without lab: S04(TPR)
Physics (Freshman and sophomore level for engineers and physical science majors.)
Mechanics and Thermodynamics
lab only: S86(RU), S97(KSC)
Thermodynamics, Sound and Light
with lab: F86, S87, F87, S89, F89, S90 (SHSU)
Part 1: F99, F00x2, F01x2 (UMass)
Part 2: F92, S93, F93, F94, S95, F95, S00, S01, S02 (UMass)
S93, F93, F96 (UMass)
x2 = Taught two separate sections.
F = Fall semester
S = Spring semester
SI = First Summer Session
SII = Second Summer Session
ASA = Academic Study Associates - Amherst, MA (White Plains, NY) (commercial)
Elms = Elms College (Chicopee, MA) (nights and/or `weekend college')
KC = Kingwood College (Kingwood, TX) (2 year institution)
KSC = Keene State College (Keene, NH) (4 year institution)
LU = Lamar University (Beaumont, TX)
RU = Rice University (Houston, TX)
SHSU = Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX)
TPR = The Princeton Review (Austin, TX) (commercial)
UMass = University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA)
Principle Publications and Talks:
Kendall, David A., "Wind Energy History and Economics: Lessons From the Past", talk presented at Alfred State College 2006 Sustainability Symposium, October 25-27, 2006, Alfred, NY.
Kendall, David A., "Wind Turbine Basics: Foundations for Course Development", talk presented at The New England Sections of The American Physical Society and The American Association of Physics Teachers Joint Meeting, October 14-15, 2005, Burlington, VT.
Kendall, David A., "Hinged Blade Model Dynamics for a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine", Ph.D. Dissertation, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 2003.
Kendall, David A., et. al. "Guided Discovery and Intelligent Tutoring Materials for Calculus and Their Electronic Delivery on the World Wide Web", poster paper presented January 17, 2003 at the MAA/NSF Poster Session at the Joint Mathematics Meeting #983, January 15-18, 2003, held in Baltimore, MD.
Kendall, David A., "Wind Resource Assessment: Western Massachusetts Family Golf Center Initial Report" for Hollrock Engineering (Hadley, MA) as preliminary work to possible wind turbine development, March 2002.
Kendall, David A. and Kirchhoff, Robert H.; "Fractal Dimension of the Wind on Earth and Mars", poster paper published in Fractals in Engineering June 25-27, 1997 Arcachon, France: Proceedings. June 25-27, 1997 meeting sponsored by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique.
Kendall, David A., "Spectrophotometry of the Condensations Around Eta Carinae", Unpublished Master's Thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX, 1987.
Honors, Professional Societies:
Dean's Recognition Award November 30, 2006
Alfred State College Team Award to Math/Physics Department (MathLab) Fall 2006
Who's Who Among America's Teachers®, 2005-2006, 2004-2005, 2003-2004
Professional Development Grant for Intentional Learners, 2005
The Mathematical Association of America, 2004,2006
Invitation and financial award for a European Science Foundation Workshop, 1996
Faculty and Friends, University of Massachusetts, 1996
American Astronomical Society, 1993
American Mathematical Society, 1991
Sigma Pi Sigma, 1984
Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges, 1982
Phi Theta Kappa, 1981
Additional Professional Activities and Development:
Current-Fall 2005. Alfred State College Professional Development Grant for Intentional Learners in the area of wind resource assessment.
Current-Fall 2006. Member of Alfred State College faculty committee on sustainability.
Current-Fall 2006. Member of School of Arts and Sciences (Alfred State College) five year review committee.
Current-Fall 2004. Member of Alfred State College science fair faculty committee.
January 22, 2007. Teacher Open House featuring the Rochester Museum & Science Center Strasenburgh Planetarium, Rochester, NY.
January 17, 2007. Magna online seminar "Getting Started with Student Learning Assessment" presented by Linda Suskie, Alfred, NY.
January 10, 2007. Workshop on "Online Education from Concept to Reality" presented by Matt Moretti, Jr., Alfred, NY.
January 9, 2007. Workshop on "Creating and Editing your Faculty/Staff Page on the New Marketing Site" by Kevin Ashton and Joel Dudley, Alfred, NY.
Fall 2006. Served as chair for all College Trigonometry sections and prepared the departmental final exam.
Fall 2006. Served as chair for all General Physics I class sections and prepared the departmental final exam.
December 30, 2006. Visited Buchanan Dam.
December 30, 2006. Visited Longhorn Caverns.
December 20, 2006. Social gathering for non-tenured faculty at Dean Cepelak's home, Belmont, NY.
December 8, 2006. Alfred State College President's Holiday Dance, Alfred, NY.
November 30, 2006. Dean's Recognition Award meeting, Alfred State College, NY.
November 11, 2006. International Club "Thank You" Dinner, Alfred, NY.
November 2, 2006. Zonnie Gorman's talk on : "Growing Up With Heroes ... The Navajo Code Talkers of World War II, A Daughter's Journey", Alfred, NY.
October 2006. Required students to attended specific talks at the Alfred State College 2006 Sustainability Symposium and developed a special quiz for them to take for class credit as part of their homework/quiz grade.
October 25-27, 2006. Attended and participated in Alfred State College 2006 Sustainability Symposium, Alfred, NY.
October 25, 2006. Served on panel discussion for the showing of "An Inconvenient Truth" for the Alfred State College 2006 Sustainability Symposium, Alfred, NY.
October 21, 2006. Department of Mathematics and Physics host for Alfred State College open house, Alfred, NY.
September 25, 2006. Sent to the department chair a list of special topic courses I might be willing to teach along with my recommendations for prerequisite courses. I can expand any of these into a "regular" 3 credit hour course in the future.
September 5, 2006. Alfred State College Department of Mathematics and Physics liaison to Dr. Ahn's precalculus class pending final contract approval for Dr. Ahn.
August 17, 2006. Alfred State College Workshop/Discussion on "Grantsmanship: Grant Writing and Administration" by Michael Mueller.
August 16, 2006. Alfred State College New Student Convocation, Alfred, NY.
June 9-11, 2006. "The 5th Annual Four-College Faculty Summer Seminar in Curriculum Transformation" by Anita Saunders and Robert Amico, hosted by Alfred State College.
May 25-27, 2006. CHAUTAUQUA NSF Short Course on "Pseudo-Science, Scientism and Science: Fallacies in the Logic of Scientific Testing" by Gary Mar (given at Stony Brook University, NY).
Spring 2006. Assisted Ed Burns, Jim Buell with evaluations of written work by physics students.
Spring 2006. Department made an initial math assessment/evaluation for 2005-2006.
Fall 2005, Spring 2006. Part of the EPA Energy Grant Proposal (PI: Jerry Fong).
May 18, 2006. Assisted Statistics faculty with evaluations of written work by statistics students.
May 17, 2006. UUP Academic Work Load Workshop at Alfred State College
May 14, 2006. Alfred State College Commencement.
May 2, 2006. Alfred State College faculty committee meeting on sustainability.
May 1, 2006. Alfred State College "End of Suburbia" film and subsequent discussion.
April 20, 2006. Discussed with Earl Packard issues associated with the presentation and delivery of mathematics material for on-line courses/course material.
April 20, 2006. Meeting for tenure-track faculty with the dean.
April 7, 2006. Judged for the 7th Annual Alfred State College Regional Science and Technology Fair, Alfred, NY.
April 3, 2006. Having attended all Alfred State College VPAA search committee open forums and asked similar questions in each, I prepared a summary document for Mike Putnam (then committee chair) with my comments and rankings.
March 29, 2006. VPAA search open forum for Dr Holstead.
March 28, 2006. Interim VPAA open forum on 14 week schedule.
March 27, 2006. VPAA search open forum for Dr. Baldwin.
March 23, 2006. Judged for the first Hinsdale Central School Science Fair, Hinsdale, NY.
March 9, 2006. VPAA search open forum for Dr. Rosati.
March 7, 2006. VPAA search open forum for Dr. Hoffman.
March 6, 2006. Dean's meeting on ASOP and remedial courses.
March 2, 2006. VPAA search open forum for Dr. Cross.
February 9, 2006. Meeting for tenure-track faculty with the dean.
January 13, 2006. ABET meeting, Alfred, NY.
January 12, 2006. Internal Controls meeting, Alfred, NY.
January 11, 2006. Alfred State College Workshop/Presentation on "Integral Education: Teaching and Assessing the Whole Learner" by Bob Curry.
January 11, 2006. Alfred State College Workshop/Discussion on "The Bridge: Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Collaboration".
Fall 2005. Served as co-chair for all College Algebra sections and prepared the departmental final exam.
December 2, 2005. Hosted Earl Packard for an extra classroom teaching evaluation.
November 18, 2005. Hosted Ed Burns for an extra classroom teaching evaluation.
November 17, 2005. Campus wide meeting on grants.
November 9, 2005. Interactive Audio Conference - "Teaching and Assessing Thinking Skills" presented by Linda Suskie.
October 28, 2005. Alfred University/Alfred State College faculty social
October 14-15, 2005. Received faculty professional development funds, attended and presented at the Joint Fall Meeting of the New England Sections of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers. Attended workshop: "Providing a Conceptual Framework for Quantum Mechanics" by Jonathan Mitschele.
September 21, 2005. Interactive Audio Conference - "Exploring the Scope of Student and Faculty Academic Freedom" presented by Gary Pavela.
September 20, 2005. Farm Summit II at the Lake Lodge
September 20, 2005. Faculty Senate meeting.
September 17, 2005. Second Annual Children's International Festival.
August 17, 2005. Alfred State College New Student Convocation, Alfred, NY.
July 20, 2005. Field trip triangulation "lab" for Mt. Warner as observed from Mt. Sugarloaf and Summit House as part of summer course for ASA, Amherst, MA.
July 10, 2005. Stone House Museum tour and civil war re-enactment, Belchertown, MA.
July 7, 2005. Chance meeting with hydrology expert Ward Motts.
June 30, 2005. Met with University of Massachusetts Course Chairperson Doris Stockton on a social occasion.
June 16, 2005. Participated in the One-Day Dig: Dinosaur Expedition Program offered by the Museum of Western Colorado, Fruita, CO.
June 15,13,12, 2005. Multiple visits to Dinosaur National Monument, Vernal, UT.
June 14, 2005. Utah Field House Museum, Vernal, UT.
Spring 2005. Department met to look at campus wide math assessment/evaluation for 2006-2007.
Spring 2005. Developed some of the basic curriculum for three different possible B. Sc. programs.
May 20, 2006. Annual Recognition Luncheon.
May 15, 2006. Alfred State College Commencement.
April 23, 2005. Alfred State College Honors Convocation, Alfred, NY.
April 1, 2005. Judged for the 6th Annual Alfred State College Regional Science and Technology Fair, Alfred, NY.
January 12, 2005. Meeting/workshop on "Developing Faculty Web Pages" (at ASC) by Timothy Woodcock. (see http://web.alfredstate.edu/kendalda)
January 11, 2005. Meeting/workshop on "Online Teaching Pedagogy" by Michelle Green.
Fall 2004. Preliminary discussions within the Department of Mathematics and Physics about outreach programs and possible B. Sc. programs.
Fall 2004. Served on Department Search Committee for new faculty member in Mathematics.
Fall 2004. Served on Department Committee dealing with College Algebra Final Exam Revision.
November 7, 2004. Watched Aurora Borealis.
October 22-23, 2004. Received faculty professional development funds and attended the Joint Fall Meeting of the New England Sections of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers including two of the workshops ("Low Budget Workshops" by Karen Bouffard and "PASCO" presented by Dave Small).
October 21, 2004. New faculty reception at the president's house: 9 Reynolds Street, Alfred.
September 23, 2004. UUP new faculty luncheon.
September 21, 2004. FERPA meeting.
September 17, 2004. Installation of President Uma G. Gupta.
August 20, 2004. Workshop/demonstration: My Math Lab® by Kevin O'Brian.
August 18, 2004. Alfred State College New Student Convocation, Alfred, NY.
July 12, 2004. Field trip triangulation "lab" for Mt. Warner as observed from Mt. Sugarloaf and Summit House as part of summer course for ASA, Amherst, MA.
February 17, 2004. Presented "Wind Turbines Today: An Overview" to the School of Math, Science and Engineering at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, TX.
August 13, 2003. Doctoral Dissertation Defense: "Hinged Blade Dynamics for a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine" presented at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
May 18-21, 2003. WINDPOWER 2003 Conference and Exhibition sponsored by the American Wind Energy Association in Austin, TX.
January 15-18, 2003. Joint Mathematics Meeting #983 January 15-18, 2003 Baltimore, Maryland.
Summer 2003 - Spring 2000. Senior Personnel involved in a National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement grant with summer funding for 2001 and 2002. This NSF grant (Project Number: DUE 0088758) has allowed the development and use of "discovery modules" and "intelligent tutors" to help provide innovative approaches to classroom teaching, homework and lab assignments. This is being implemented in the calculus for life sciences course in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics with assistance from the Center for Computer-Based Instructional Technology in the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
November 1-3, 2002. MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) training and certification to teach the physics portion of The Princeton Review's MCAT test preparation courses.
2002 - 1990. Participant at most of the Math Anxiety Workshops (about 4/year) headed by Dr. Doris Stockton and Dr Donald Banks, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Spring 2002 - Fall 2001. Installed and recorded data for wind resource assessment at Western Massachusetts Family Golf Center in Hadley, MA.
Spring 2002 - Fall 1999. Course chairperson for the elementary algebra program in charge of coordinating high school instructors (participating in the Basic Math Program) and graduate teaching assistants teaching elementary algebra courses at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Spring 2002 - December 2001. Preliminary work on writing a chapter "Universal Instructional Design as it Applies to Mathematics Instruction" for a book proposal by Patricia Silver entitled: Universality in Higher Education: Instructional Approaches for Diverse Learners.
March 1, 2002. Helped with David M. Hart and Cindy Stein's poster "Integrating Multimedia into Online Assessment to Facilitate Active Learning" in the Five College Conference and Multimedia Fair: transforming practice with technology, at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
August 14, 2001. Assisted and participated in Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement "OWL Training Workshop" for affiliates associated with the above grant in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. (OWL: Online Web-based Learning)
June 28, 2001. Pathways 2001: A Research Conference On Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning, sponsored by STEMTEC (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Teaching Education Collaborative) at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
June 1, 2001. Presented Calculus for the Life Sciences: Course Curriculum Improvement and 'Intelligent Tutors' for the Mathematics Department, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
April 14-15, 2000. Joint Spring Meeting of the New England Sections of: The American Physical Society, The American Association of Physics Teachers, and The Society of Physics Students, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI.
February 17, 2000. Five College Multimedia Fair, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
April 9-10, 1999. Joint Spring Meeting of the New England Sections of: The American Physical Society, The American Association of Physics Teachers, and The Society of Physics Students, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
March 22, 1999. National conference: "How People Learn: Transforming the Science Classroom" sponsored by the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the School of Education and the Office of the Provost, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
December 1999 - June 1997. Wind Resource Assessment In Western Massachusetts, project collecting data, maintaining the data base and providing reports for Northeast Utilities Service Company (Data from 1996 to 1999).
November 22, 1997. Our first child was born - a personal learning experience for both mother and father.
November 15, 1996. Participant at Learning Disabilities Support Services focus group on Universal Instructional Design, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
November 8-9, 1996. Fall Meeting of the New England Section - American Association of Physics Teachers / Society of Physics Students, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
June 24-28, 1996. Participant CAS-CALC Calculus Short Course on Calculus Enhanced With Computer Algebra and Graphing Using the TI-92, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
May 26-30, 1996. European Science Foundation Workshop on Lower Dimensional Interfaces: Ginzburg-Landau Equations and the Evolution of Point and Line Singularities, at the Institut f\"ur Angewandte Mathematik der Universit\"at Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
May 17, 1996. Learning Disabilities Support Services Faculty and Friend member (by student nomination only), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
May 16, 1996. Participant in Open Forum for all Massachusetts Secondary School Mathematics Teachers panel discussion about Mathematics on Interactive Television at UMASS Amherst, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Spring 1996. One of three instructors giving review sessions for Mathematics on Interactive Television, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
November 28 - December 2, 1994. Circumstellar Disks, Outflows and Star Formation meeting sponsored by Instituto de Astronomia - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Cozumel, Mexico.
Fall 1994. Town of Amherst pumping test. Participated as a volunteer taking water well measurements for testing of the Lawrence Swamp aquifer, a fresh water source for Amherst, MA.
June 1993. The 182nd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Berkeley, CA.
October 19, 1990. Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics in Mathematics and Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Spring 1990 - Fall 1986. Sole person in charge of designing about 20 different planetarium programs and presenting them on over 100 different occasions. This included over 30 public programs for which some of the programming was purchased, and over 60 specially scheduled programs shown to various school groups.
May 14, 1988. Presented public slide show at Huntsville Public Library (Huntsville, TX) for the HEAP summer program.
Current-January 14, 2007. Voted in as a trustee (to fill a vacant term with 2 years left) for Andover Alliance Church. Andover, NY.
Current-November 30, 2006. Member of Andover Friends of the Library, Andover, NY.
January 20, 13, 6, 2007. Assisted with Friends of the Library Saturday Family Game Night. Andover, NY.
December 4, 2006. Hosted Wellsville area homeschoolers open house with my family at my home, Alfred, NY.
November 23, 2006. Hosted foreign students for Thanksgiving day meal and entertainment with my family at my home, Alfred, NY. (Received Cheer For a Peer Award.)
October 22, 2006. Made Lasagna for contribution to meal for missionary at Andover Alliance Church, Andover, NY.
November 24, 2005. Hosted foreign students for Thanksgiving day meal and entertainment with my family at my home, Alfred, NY.
October 22, 2005. Hosted Wellsville area homeschoolers open house picnic with my family at my home, Alfred, NY.
September 11, 2005. Volunteered at the Coins for Katrina Benefit Concert (worked concessions), Alfred, NY.
May 13, 2005. Hosted foreign student for dinner with family and friends at my home, Alfred, NY.
April 30, 2005. Attended the Commuter's Luncheon at Alfred State College, Alfred, NY.
March 14, 2005. Adopted an animal from the Hornel Animal Shelter.
January 14, 2005. Assisted Dan Kenyon and David Burns with setting up for "Songs for Sri Lanka" benefit concert (with performances 1/14 and 1/15), Wellsville, NY.
November 25, 2004. Hosted foreign students for Thanksgiving day meal and entertainment with my family at my home, Alfred, NY.
March 14 - June, 2004. Serving on the Missions Committee for Hill Country Christian Fellowship, Dripping Springs, TX.
February 6-7, 2004. Assisted with preparations and helped to host Marriage Enrichment Seminar: Celebrating Marriage sponsored by Hill Country Christian Fellowship, Dripping Springs, TX.
January 11-February 8, 2004. Taught Sunday School classes, grades 3-4, for Hill Country Christian Fellowship, Dripping Springs, TX.
December 17, 2003. Assisted with preparations and meal in honor of Guest Workers sponsored by the Simpson/Milligan house church of Hill Country Christian Fellowship, Dripping Springs, TX.
Fall 2002. Manual labor for Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity project at site on Montague City Road in Greenfield, MA.
October 25, 2002. Assisted with childcare for the Franklin County Family Network (part of the Franklin County Action Corporation) during a parent workshop that took place at the Frontier Regional Elementary School in South Deerfield, MA.
November 3, 2001. Walked in a fund-raising walkathon to benefit James and Brenda Strysko in their medical mission to fight AIDS in Zimbabwe. This event was sponsored by Connecticut Valley Church now Valley Life Assembly and took place at Frontier Regional School in South Deerfield, MA.
May 2001 - August 1999. Amherst Family Center's annual Apple Harvest and Crafts Festival committee member in charge of arranging for entertainment and coordinating with other activities. The non-profit Amherst Family Center is a project of Child Care Focus, and, at that time, was a program of the Hampshire Community Action Commission with support from United Way.
Fall 1997. Organized times for sound recordings and assembled a tape of worship songs for Amherst Area New Testament Church (dissolved November 2, 1997) in Amherst, MA.
Kendall, David, "Wind Energy History and Economics: Lessons From the Past", talk presented at Alfred State College 2006 Sustainability Symposium, October 25-27, 2006, Alfred, NY.
Kendall, David, "Wind Turbine Basics: Foundations for Course Development", talk presented at The New England Sections of The American Physical Society and The American Association of Physics Teachers Joint Meeting, October 14-15, 2005, Burlington, VT.
Kendall, David, "Hinged Blade Model Dynamics for a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine", Ph.D. Dissertation, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UMass, Amherst, MA, 2003.
Kendall, David, et. al. "Guided Discovery and Intelligent Tutoring Materials for Calculus and Their Electronic Delivery on the World Wide Web", poster paper presented January 17, 2003 at the MAA/NSF Poster Session at the Joint Mathematics Meeting #983, January 15-18, 2003, Baltimore, MD.
Kendall, David, "Wind Resource Assessment: Western Massachusetts Family Golf Center Initial Report" for Hollrock Engineering (Hadley, MA) as preliminary work to possible wind turbine development, March 2002.
Kendall, David A. and Kirchhoff, Robert H.; "Fractal Dimension of the Wind on Earth and Mars", poster paper published in Fractals in Engineering June 25-27, 1997 Arcachon, France: Proceedings. June 25-27, 1997 meeting sponsored by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique.
Kendall, David, "Spectrophotometry of the Condensations Around Eta Carinae", Unpublished Master's Thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX, 1987.
Dean's Recognition Award November 30, 2006
Who's Who Among America's Teachers®, 2005-2006
Professional Development Grant for Intentional Learners, 2005
Who's Who Among America's Teachers®, 2004-2005
Who's Who Among America's Teachers®, 2003-2004
The Mathematical Association of America, 2004,2006
Invitation and financial award for a European Science Foundation Workshop, 1996
Faculty and Friends, University of Massachusetts, 1996
American Astronomical Society, 1993
American Mathematical Society, 1991
Sigma Pi Sigma, 1984
Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges, 1982
Phi Theta Kappa, 1981